
The goal of "We The People" Of Nora is to serve as a "civics refresher" for registered voters living in and around Nora, Indiana.

Simply put, civics is "the study of the rights and obligations of citizens in society". Unfortunately, most school systems (public and private) in America, did not require civics as a mandatory course while many from the Silent, Boomer, and “X” generations were in school.

Fortunately, here in Indiana, Gov. Eric Holcomb signed House Bill 1384 in 2021. This law requires all students in sixth grade take a civics course, and the Civics Education Commission developed curriculum standards in 2022 that emphasize students learn about the foundations and functions of government and their role as citizens.

As a unique and strictly nonpartisan group, we will take a deeper dive on how our government is DESIGNED to work. Most important, The U.S. Constitution, The Indiana State Constitution, as well as The Indiana Code, will be our guiding principles as we connect directly with our legislative representatives.


Currently, our class meets virtually on the second Saturday of each month at 10 AM via Zoom. To join our next session, please click “here”. Feel free to complete the contact form if you are interested in a PDF copy of previous class content.

Goals for 2025

Our goals for 2025 are to:

A) Stay true to our purpose, and that is to continue to educate ourselves in all things related to the US Constitution, The Indiana State Constitution, and The Indiana Code.

B) Continue to “spread the word” and grow our group with others in our community who are dedicated to our US Constitution, The Indiana State Constitution, and The Indiana Code.